

Item 1: Bullet Boy (BBC Films, UK, 2004, Saul Dibb) Very useful as It displays and explores multiple stereotypes of young black men throughout the entire film, essentially exploring deeper the representation of black youths film and media
Item 2:Fruitvale Station(Forest Whitaker’s Productions, US, 2013,Ryan Coogler)This Film still carries the theme of racial profiling and the way in which black youths are represented in film, although in this film we see a more developed character, we still see negative connotations with the image of ‘black youths’
Item 3: The Pursuit of Happyness (Columbia Pictures, US, 2006, Gabriele Muccino) this film, while still exploring aspects of stereotypes and racial issues, shows a more sophisticated approach to it. It also provides and argument as it eventually presents a young black man in a much more positive light, you also find that the audiences are persuaded to feel more empathy for the main character than in the other films.

Item 4: The Fruitvale Station Shooting (Fergus Mason, 2013) This book was useful because it provided information about the true events that the Film Fruitvale Station Is based on. It allows us to understand and explore whether the representation of black young men in the film were accurate.
Item 5: The Pursuit of Happyness (Chris Gardner, 2006) A useful source as it again gave us an insight into the real story as the film is a biography. This is always useful as it does give me a broader understanding of the film, where it came from and why it was made. This helps me understand deeper the reasons for portraying black men in a certain way.

Item 6: - This website talks about the representation and misrepresentation of black people in film, media and entertainment industries. This source is very useful as it talks about the representation of black people over the years, it gives me an insight into the ways in which the representation of black men have and have not changed, allowing me to make informed observations.
Item 7: again very useful as this study makes a specific reference to one of my focus films ‘Bullet Boy’. This is useful as it gives me an insight into other people’s opinions on the subject matter and it also helps me to take counter arguments into consideration. It mentions statistics on how people feel minority groups are represented in films etc.
Item 8: - This Website was very useful to me in my research as it explores the theme of racism within the film ‘The Pursuit of Happyness’ and the representation of the dominant ideology in the film , which is the opposite to what I’m exploring, giving me an insight into the juxtaposition between the two and so that I don’t provide a biased answer. It also uses 3 quotes from the film to explore this.
Item 9: - This website explores how young black men are represented in the media and films and how it affects them personally. I think that this was useful because it gave me information and other people views on how the representation of young black men in the media affects people and society. I think this is an essential aspect for me to explore as well as the actual representation of black men in film.
Item 10: - This article from ‘the Guardian’ Talks about a resemblance and comparison between Bullet Boy and the earlier film ‘Boyz N the Hood’ directed by John Singleton, which is helpful as its giving me similar films to look at and read up on. It also gives me information on the director, Saul Dibb, the cinematographer Marcel Zyskind and his co-screenwriter, Catherine Johnson. The information given on these people is about their background in film and how its influenced the film ‘ Bullet boy’.
Item 11: this source in some ways was useful and in some ways it wasn’t. It wasn’t as useful as the other sources because I disagreed with it. It states that Coogler presented the young black man as innocent in the film when really he shouldn’t be. I disagree with this because it is a natural stereotype to label black men as guilty, especially in films, even if that’s not always the case. it helps me to understand that the reason so many films present black men in a negative light is because people are uncomfortable with the fact that they could be wrong.

Deselected Material although this was interesting and helpful in certain ways, it didn’t really link to my question. This website was mainly about the way black women were represented in the film industry I.e the amount of nominations for black actresses etc. this doesn’t link with my focus films and my statement as I am focusing on the representation of young black men on film not within the film industry. This website however did give me some information on the representation of black people both on and off film in the film industry which could be helpful.


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