Undefeated Analysis

Undefeated Analysis

Undefeated is a documentary about an underdog football team in Manassas and the trials and tribulations of their football season. The film focuses on how sport (in this case American Football) builds character, and how resilience and determination can get you to wherever you want to be. This film documents the training of this small town football team, it follows the life of 3 young men, O.C Brown, Montrail ’Money’ Brown, Chavis Daniels and their Coach Bill Courtney. While it is mainly a sports documentary the film cover other topics such as the issues of a failing economy, the issues of poverty within the black community and the issues with keeping black youths in education and off the streets. It highlights the strength of youths in today’s society. I think this film also really focuses on the significant role of the coach, Bill Courtney helps the underprivileged kids beat the odds both on and off the fields and the film highlights the fatherly role he plays to many of the kids.

The Camera Techniques used in this documentary allow the audience to really feel a part of the Film, the use of simple editing techniques and handheld camera shots make this film an observational documentary. The opening sequence is very informative about the film even though it does not quite relate to the sport aspects. It includes a range of panning and tracking shots of the Manassas neighbourhood, dilapidated buildings, small houses etc. immediately exposing to the audience the raw and gritty side of this film. It informs the spectators that this film isn’t just about American Football but it’s about how American football has helped to shape these young men’s lives and how it helps people both physically and emotionally, it particularly helps the youths as without a commitment like football they could mix with the wrong crowds and end up selling drugs, and committing crimes, fulfilling the stereotype that society has created for black youths.

I feel that the sound plays a crucial role in this documentary, there is a wide range of non – diegetic sound included in the film. The sound is used at various significant moments in the film and is used to help build up emotion and regulate the pace of the film. For example when the football team was triumphant there was a speed up in the pace of the music, it was upbeat and joyful influencing the idea that this a time when you are supposed to feel happy. Another example is during the opening sequence, the use of much more of an ‘urban’ and ‘r&b’ beat fits well with the scenery shot, allowing the possible target audience to relate even more.

We don’t see any recreated scenes or special effects in this documentary film, I think the fact that none of these techniques are used make this film that little bit more personal and down to earth. I think because it’s so raw and real it effects people in a different way, I think people find it much more relatable rather than just visually interesting.


  1. Tia this is very well done, you genre and themes and discuss the environment which all helps to set the scene, going forward you should always name the Director and the year of production so that we can have context, comparisons with other films for instance The Blindside starring Sandra Bullock, was this made before or after Undefeated won the Oscar? Using CCCEO will help you to obtain those higher grades.Well Done!


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