Film Draft - unfinished

This short video is the opening sequence to my film project. i have decided to call it 'Council Estate of Mind' because the film explores the mind of two teenage girls who live on an estate and how living there effects them as people. It explores the themes of isolation, mental illness and friendship. i tried to film it in a way that explores the mind abstractly and include as little conversational dialogue as possible using only voiceovers to explain the way the characters are feeling through artistic pathways like poetry and dance. i felt that the use of other artistic techniques added to abstract elements while also creating an interesting concept that could be explored in more depth visually. through my cinematography i wanted to capture the harsh realities of 'estate' life and show that although you may be surrounded by people you can still feel alone, i did this by purposely isolating the protagonists on the estate choosing bare locations that can often feel quite melancholic and gloomy, however i wanted to add contrasting shots to these including warm colours and tones and glowing sunlight casting interesting shadows etc.
there are a few things that i would like to change in order to improve my film these being the editing, I feel that the film could be edited in a much more abstract way considering that the way in which the concept has been shot and explored is quite abstract. I need to include a lot more editing techniques and transitions in order to achieve this. I also need to record some ambient sounds to include in my film in order to make the film and specific shots look, sound and feel much more realistic.

Film Draft - Unfinished


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