The Grand Budapest Hotel

                                                         The Grand Budapest Hotel

This film,The grand Budapest Hotel, directed by Wes Anderson is a comedic, fantasy, crime thriller which explores many themes such as loneliness,loyalty, friendship and respect &reputation. this film was extremely well done, the micro features were executed superbly thus leading to the number of awards this film has won and been nominated for, which are best achievement in costume design,best achievement in product design and Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Score.

Wes Anderson does a great job at creating an atmosphere that allows the audience to become a part of the film, the way the mise en scene creates this fantasy dreamland really enables the spectators to delve deeper into the film and get lost within the beautiful and almost surreal settings and locations.the use of symmetrical cinematography offers a sense of satisfaction and perfection within the film.  it reflects the protagonists and their personalities as they are perfectionists themselves yet funnily enough they are no where near perfect as characters , it reflects the facade that they both put on as throughout the film they seem to constantly deceive the audience into thinking that things were okay when really they weren't especially the concierge and his obsession with older women, this was something he hid behind never fully showing his need and craving for attention and love.
the use of colour in this film is another reason why this film is so effective in keeping the audience engaged and intrigued. the use of vibrant and bright colours, while also using specific colours in places where you wouldn't usually see them for example the use of pink on the exterior of the hotel make it iconic and memorable.


  1. This is a good start but more analysis is required of the content of the film, it would help if you were able to contextualise and compare wither Wes Anderson films which would identify to the reader that you had completed some research. Depth is what is going to secure you higher grades Tia so use the CCCEO thi keep on going on about please!

  2. to improve your analysis I think you could possibly use more key terminology surrounding the microfeatures, for example when explaining the effects the immersive fantastical mis en scene creates possibly mention 'colour palette' specifically in order to show broader understanding... maybe idk


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