A United Kingdom Analysis

A United Kingdom Analysis

This Biographical Film Directed by Amma Asante was hard hitting and enticing. and in many ways it was similar and different to Amma Asante's earlier film Belle, this allows us to understand what type of director she is and the motive behind her films. Both Belle and A United Kingdom were period Films which included a lot of Historical context, but both films contained a message that is still relevant to today, race, interracial relationships and oppression.

The way in which this film was shot really helps expose the true representation of interracial marriage in the 1940s up until present day. the way in which relationships are presented in this film are quite real, I don't feel like relationships were over exaggerated.  although the storyline displays the two lovers relationship as very romantic and dramatic, I feel like the way Asante presents their love is very subtle, their love is always accompanied by warm lighting and interesting silhouettes almost presenting their love as abstract the same way the concept of interracial love would be conceived as in the 1940s.


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