The Girl On The Train Analysis

The Girl on The Train

The recent film The Girl on The Train Is a film adaptation of the book The girl on the train by Paula Hawkins. The film is about 'Rachel Watsons' life post divorce and her relationship with a small selection of characters. I find it interesting that the film revolves around the very different lives of three women, Megan(played by Haley Bennett), Anna (Rebecca Ferguson) and of course Rachel (Emily Blunt) , the majority of the film is told from her perspective. The film explores how you can have relationships with people you have never met and how they can effect your life dramatically, it also explores the themes of alcoholism and abuse in many different forms. There is also a clear and strong theme of deception throughout this films as it seems that all the characters have been deceived or have deceived others. this thriller is a murder mystery film, which I always find are the most interactive types of films.

another aspect of the film which I found interesting was the tone and mood of it. I personally thought that it stayed at one level throughout not providing a variety of emotions. there was suspense throughout the film of course however the lighting, location and sound kept the movie in one tone. I found that almost every scene was shot in dark or cold lighting and the few that were shot with warm lighting were often dark as well.


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