Me Before You

Me Before You

Me Before you is a Romantic Comedy directed by Thea Sharrock and released in 2016. This relatively new film touches on taboo subjects like disability and assisted suicide but explores them with an attempt at light humour and a romantic stance.The basis of the plot is a young female who is stuck in a small town ,ends up working for a young man with a intense disability that restricts him from living life the way she does. This young man, william( played by Sam Clafin) wants to end his own life as he can longer live the active lifestyle he used to, Lousia Clark (played by Emilia Clarke) a very uplifting and energetic character which is always reflected in her choice of bright and eclectic clothing tries to change his mind and help him live, along this journey they encounter many problems one being their love for each other.

Me before you is one of many films regarding life with disability released in the 21st century, from 2011 onwards i have become known to many films about disability, like rust & bone, Untouchable, The fundamentals of Caring and of course Me before you. This film in particular has many similarities to The Fundamentals of Caring, an american film owned by Netflix. they both use comedy and romance to help make the film more relatable to spectators.

Me before you involve all typical conventions of romantic comedy films, including binary opposites and an element of unrequited love, this is shown through the significant difference in backgrounds of each character, William clearly comes from money and wealth unlike louisa, who's simply a small town girl working for him. 


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