
When first hearing the name and encountering the protagonist 'victoria' we as an audience instantly assume that this is going to be a particularly feminine film relating to a lot of issues revolving around the female origin and gender. we later realise that the films runs deeper in the sense that the storyline is much more intense that we initially thought it would be. it still encaptures important themes regarding female issues that women come across on a day to day basis, but also deceives the spectators by planting a seed that could grow into a number of different storylines and concepts . From the start we notice that this film may take the form of a drama, although many could raise the point that every film is a drama.i think the spectators expectations for there to be an element of the romantic sub-genre was fulfilled but surprisingly genres like crime later came into play. 'Victoria' was directed by Sebastian schipper and released in 2015,this film is a German Drama, both shot and located in germany, Berlin ,however the predominant language used throughout is English meaning that there are  little/ limited amount of subtitiles used throughout the film.

Victoria is a single take film following the life of a young woman on her endeavours on one night out in Berlin, this rapidly takes a turn around when she meets a group of young men who she joins in committing a bank robbery which ends badly and leaves her again all alone as she once was a the beginning of the film, this introduces the idea of a circular narrative however there are some features that may just shy away from the criteria needed to classify as a circular narrative. 


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